
Hotel Information

Keikyu EX Hotel Sapporo

Keikyu EX Hotel Sapporo

4-2-6 Kita 6-jo Nishi, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0806
Approximately 1 minute walk from JR Sapporo Station North Exit "West Ticket Gate"
Check-in: 15:00 / Check-out: 11:00

Directions from the station

  1. Exit through the west ticket gate, turn to your right, and exit through the north exit (towards Hokkaido University).
  2. When you exit from the north exit, you will see a crosswalk and a Family Mart in front of you. Please do not cross the crosswalk, but proceed to the left.
  3. You will see "Lawson" on the left. Our hotel is immediately ahead on the left.
  4. Please take the elevator to the 2nd floor reception.
Smartphone de directions (image)

Smartphone guide

If you are within walking distance and using a smartphone, tap "Start Directions" to guide you to the hotel.

Neighborhood Information
